藤織りの歴史 History of Fuji-ori

上世屋では藤布を「のの」と呼びます。布(ぬの)から転じた呼称で、布といえば藤布のことを指し、木綿の布は もめんもの と呼んで区別していました。
「藤織り工房 ののの」は、丹後藤織り保存会で藤織りの技術を学んだのち、上世屋の地で「のの」の制作活動を始めました。上世屋集落で藤織りが生活の一部であることが絶えないようにと願って……
Fuji-ori is a woven fabric made from fibers taken from the wisteria vines that grow in the mountains.
The existence of 'fuji-fu,' or a fuji-ori cloth, appears in the ancient literature, Manyoshu, and has been widely produced by the ordinary people for a long period of time, until the introduction of cotton in the Edo period. Since then, the production has declined over the years, and to find Fuji-fu in recent years is very rare.
Kamiseya, a small village in Miyazu City of Kyoto Prefecture, is the only place where production techniques have been handed down and has lived until today, while fuji-ori has ceased in various parts of Japan. In Kamiseya, fuji-ori has long been a work for women during the winer-off-season. While the cold winter of Kamiseya is not well suited to grow cotton, the women gather around the hearth in a house surrounded in snow, and worked continuously to make fuji-thread until the next spring to be woven into a piece of cloth.
Until the end of the Showa era, fuji-ori continued to be a work for grandmothers, but as of 2020, there is only one grandmother involved in fuji-ori in the Kamiseya village. However, the "Tango Fuji-ori Preservation Society" was established in 1989 by the people who were directly instructed by the grandmothers of Kamiseya, and the technique of fuji-ori is now being handed down in good faith.
At Kamiseya, fuji-fu is called "nono". It is a name derived from cloth (nuno). Here, the cloth is called fuji-fu, and cotton cloth is called momenmono to distinguish it.
After mastering the technique of fuji-ori at the Tango Wisteria Preservation Society, I founded "FUJIORI STUDIO NONONO" to begin my active practice to produce "nono" in Kamiseya, in hopes that fuji-ori will long continue as part of our daily life in Kamiseya village ...

縁あって、藤織り工房 ののの はこのチエおばあちゃんの家に在ります。
Grandmothers peeling the wisteria vines in front of the fuji-ori expert, Grandma Chie's house. I am blessed to be living in this house to carry on my fuji-ori practice.
Before the Ujigami Festival in spring, the fuji-fu woven in one winter was collected and shipped out.

(1979年 塚越貞爾氏撮影)